This summer, our Tampa film production company, Litewave Media, participated in the annual 48 Hour Film Project which ran from July 13-15th. After a grueling 48 hours of no sleep, during which our team wrote a script, filmed the movie, created visual effects, and edited the footage (including all post-production: sound design, music, and color correction), our Tampa film production company came out victorious with top honors at the awards ceremony including Best Film! You can check out our film called “Love Hurts” >> HERE.
Director of Photography, Sean Keller, frames a shot of actor/director, Christian Cashmir, in our 48 Hour Film “Love Hurts”
Along with Best Film honors, our team ended up winning Best Directing, Best Actor (Christian Cashmir), Best Actress (Brielle Carter), Best Editing, Best Musical Score, Best Writing, Best Sound Design, Best Cinematography, Best Graphic Design, and Audience Choice! Not too shabby!
The Litewave Media/Film Jams team at the awards ceremony for the 48 Hour Film Project
The 48 Hour Film Project, a nation-wide challenge, asks local filmmakers to completely make a short film in only 48 hours. It comes with specific required elements so that judges know the film was made within the allotted time. This year, the required elements were a character named Sam or Sally Turnbucket (a city employee), the line of dialogue “Who wants to know?”, and a prop, a lamp. In addition to this, each team also gets a randomly assigned genre, ours was Disaster Film.
Co-Directors Josh Noftz and Christian Cashmir review some green screen footage during the 48 Hour Film Project
Our film was made in collaboration with our YouTube Webseries: Film Jams, which is a weekly show on filmmaking. The webseries teaches general tips and advice on filmmaking. Our team was proud and honoreds to win the 48 Hour Film Project, and from here, our film competes at the national level at Filmapalooza in March 2019. We have uploaded our film online as well as a behind-the-scenes look into making a 48 hour film. Give us a like and subscribe if you like our content on YouTube and want to see more filmmaking fun!
Our crew had a blast, and we can’t wait to make another film.
Check out our award-winning film “LOVE HURTS” below:
If you’d like to take a behind-the-scenes look at how we made this film in 48 hours, check out the video below: How to Make a 48 Hour FIlm!
Looking to turn your Tampa film production into a reality? Contact us today to see how our Tampa film production company, Litewave Media, can assist in the process. Find us on Facebook and make sure to subscribe to the Litewave Media blog as well as our Film Jams YouTube page to stay up to date on all of our Tampa video production company’s news!
Recently Litewave Media took to the ice at Amelie Arena, home of the Tampa Bay Lightning, for a Volvo TV commercial shoot with Victor Hedman, one of the top defenders in the NHL. The spot was produced along with Moore and Scarry Advertising for Crown Automotive Group and will be airing soon! Our Tampa video production company was thrilled to be back on the ice as we filmed with the Lightning last year for a production as well.
Director/DP Christian Cashmir & 2nd Cam Tony Ahedo plan out some action shots of Victor with the Sony A7s Mk2 & DJI OSMO.
Crown Automotive brought in seven cars and SUVs and set them up on the ice rink as a back drop for the shoot. The Litewave Media Tampa video production crew began work lighting the cars, with only a short window between the Lightning’s practices to set up. Our production crew brought out 5 cameras to film with including our Canon C300, Canon C100, two Sony A7s mk2’s, a DJI OSMO, and a myriad of Canon L series lenses – all from our Tampa video camera rentals package.
The Litewave Media Tampa video crew at work filming Victor Hedman of the Tampa Bay Lightning.
The crew filmed some lines with Victor and the teleprompter, but the shoot really charged up when Victor got on his skates, and the camera team chased him on the ice.
Director Christian Cashmir and 2nd Cam Operator Tony Ahedo go over lines on the prompter with Victor Hedman.
We used the Sony A7s mk2 mounted on our MoVi M5 gimbal stabilizer as well as the DJI Osmo to capture smooth creative action shots and POV shots of the hockey puck. Some 120 frame slow motion footage accented the skates tearing up the ice.
Director/DP Christian Cashmir gives chase to Victor Hedman with the MoVi M5 gimbal camera stabilizer.
Victor Hedman stylishly skids on the ice as the Litewave Media team captures it in slow motion
One of the highlights for our gaffer, was incorporating our newest light, the ARRI Skypanel S60 from our Tampa grip truck rental on the shoot. The Skypanel packs quite a punch and acted as the main key light to illuminate the shots of Victor with the Volvos.
Our ARRI Skypanel lights up the shot as Christian Cashmir directs with producer Andrew Hebert & Devon Mackinnon runs sound.
The shoot literally went out with a bang as the hockey stadium fired up their Tesla coils and shot electricity charges for our cameras to capture. This electro static footage will be used for a dramatic insert shot in the commercial. The Tesla coils typically only fire up at a hockey game when the Lightning scores, but we were able to turn all the lights off in the entire stadium so that the coils were the only thing lighting the arena – it made for quite a unique effect!
Looking to capture a Tampa TV Commercial production or Tampa video production? Contact us today to see how our teams can work together to build your business. Find us on Facebook and make sure to subscribe to the Litewave Media blog to stay up to date on all of our St Petersburg video production company news!
[All behind the scenes photos captured by Joe Malo]
Over the last few weeks, our Tampa video production company has been busy shooting new TV shows for Netflix and Discovery Channel as well as TV commercials and Florida corporate videos right here in our own Tampa video production studio. We’ve also had the opportunity to work on an independent feature film with some pretty amazing actors.
Our Florida video production crew recently worked with the one and only Burt Reynolds! We were able to operate a teleprompter for Mr. Reynolds for his entire time on the production. “It was a great opportunity to work with Mr. Reynolds. I used to watch his movies, and now we are filming together”, says Litewave Media crew member Steffen Thiel.
Our Tampa video production crew member Mike Garland with acting legend Burt Reynolds.
On another recent project, we were happy to welcome the team from the Special Operations Warrior Foundation(SOWF) to our Tampa video studio. SOWF is an excellent group dedicated to supporting the families of wounded and fallen Special Ops Heroes. “The foundation is great! They help these families both financially and spiritually to get them back on their feet. They’re just an incredible team of caring people who know what it’s like to lose a family member like that and want to help in any way they can,” says our own Tampa video crew member and Air Force veteran Mike Garland. Litewave Media founder, Christian Cashmir was on set for the TV commercial as 1st camera assistant as well as Andrew Ortoski who gaffed the shoot. Litewave Media’s own Johanne Castagan, Rich Brito, and Steffen Thiel also worked on the shoot. Look out for it on ESPN where it will air nationwide!
5 Hour Energy’s TV commercial production filming at Litewave Media’s Tampa video production studio.
Check out the commercial below:
Our Tampa video production team also had the great opportunity to work on a new Netflix series called “Captive” which will be airing this summer. Director of photography Christian Cashmir operated our MoVi M5 camera gimbal for the show with our Sony A7s II on-board shooting in 4k!
On the new Netflix show “Captive,” Litewave Media’s Christian Cashmir operates our MoVi M5 camera gimbal with Sony A7s II
Our next shoot brought us down to beautiful Anna Maria Island. Litewave Media’s Tampa video equipment rental and Tampa grip truck packages were on hand for this national TV show for Discovery Channel. Christian Cashmir served as director of photography on the show “Stranger Than Florida”, while Sasha Sebesta and Steffen Thiel worked as grips. The Litewave Media camera crew provided lighting, video, and audio gear for the high-end broadcast production of this national TV show.
Our Tampa video production company shooting an interview for the Discovery Channel show “Stranger Than Florida”.
Quite a few of the projects we film go to LA, New York, or elsewhere for editing and finishing, but many stay right here in St. Petersburg, Florida to work at our full service post-production facility, Litewave Studios. Our Tampa post-production suites feature state-of-the-art equipment, voice over booth, and modern editing programs to service large scale productions.
It’s been a busy few weeks at our Tampa video production company, but that’s just the way we like it!
Litewave Media was honored to receive a call from TIME magazine’s video department about filming an upcoming video series called The Ultras: Extreme Adventurers. The web series documents adventurers around the globe. The segment we filmed was on world renowned tightrope walker Nik Wallenda. (Please wait a minute for the video below to load)
Nik Wallenda is a 7th generation funambulist or more commonly known as a tightrope walker. His family has been challenging themselves and taking risks with acrobatics since the beginning of the 18th Century. Nik has broken several world records since he started performing on the high-wire. He is the first person to walk across the Grand Canyon on a tightrope. Some of his other feats include: tightrope walking across Niagara Falls, walking between two Chicago skyscrapers blindfolded, and hanging from a helicopter with only his teeth. He has 9 Guiness World Records and he recently set another world record with his latest acrobatics challenge.
Litewave Media’s Christian Cashmir films an interview with Nik Wallenda
Our Tampa video production company was honored to film an exclusive interview with Nik Wallenda about his next high-wire performance for TIME Magazine. Wallenda walked on top of the observation wheel called the Orlando Eye, a 400-foot-tall spinning wheel, on April 29th. Unlike the tightrope walking, this new challenge was different in that the wheel was constantly moving so he had to keep pace with it as it rotated.
Christian uses the jib to film Nik walking the tightrope
Our Tampa video crew took our Tampa grip truck to the location in Sarasota. Christian directed the interview and operated the camera, Harold “Pinky” Hood served as lighting tech, and Ana Christina Sanchez was production assistant for the shoot. During the interview, Nik talked about his passion for tightrope walking, his family legacy and his next challenge – walking atop the Orlando Eye.
Nik walks on the tightrope he uses for training
OurTampa video production crew captured Nik Wallenda training for his next tightrope walk. He utilizes a smaller practice rope where he polishes his technique before a challenge. During his strict training regimen, he simulates the environment he will be in when performing. To capture some dynamic b-roll Litewave Media brought out our EZ-FX Jib to film Nik on the tightrope. Christian and Ana Christina also traveled around Sarasota filming b-roll for the video. They filmed iconic Tampa Bay landmarks including the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and Tampa Bay to set the scene for the story.
Litewave Media crew Ana Christina Sanchez and Christian Cashmir with tightrope walker Nik Wallenda
Our Florida video company was extremely proud to meet and film with Nik and get some behind-the-scenes insight into the training for his next project. We can’t wait to see what he has in store for his next challenge!
Do you have a Tampa video production or Tampa video commercial you would like to film? Please contact us for a free consultation. You can like Litewave Media on Facebook to check out our latest video projects. Be sure to keep up with the blog for more Tampa video production news!
It’s amazing how technology has evolved in the digital cinema industry the past few years. With new cameras that can practically see in the dark, to LEDs and lightweight, low energy HMI lighting, to aerial video drones, to our latest addition in camera support: The Freefly MōVI M5 with Spektrum Transmitter. Our video production company is thrilled to add this new camera support system to our Tampa video equipment rental. This new technology drastically improves the quality of hand-held camera moves and replaces, in many cases, what a very costly and heavy Steadicam system would have done in the past. If you are looking for a Tampa MoVI m5 rental give us a call today.
Litewave Media’s new camera stabilizer, Freefly’s MōVI M5 (photo courtesy: Freefly)
The Movi M5 is built with ultra lightweight construction which makes it easy to move around and get unique angles while also being strong enough to handle heavy cameras. We’ve already tested our Canon C300, C100, 5D, and the Sony A7S and FS100 cameras with great success. In addition, changing lenses or adding camera accessories is fast and easy. It’s extremely versatile and has enabled us to film creative shots without many of the stresses that other camera stabilization systems can have.
Litewave Media’s new MoVI M5 rental package now in Tampa, FL
“The MōVI has amazing stability. We can control its sensitivity using the Freefly Configurator App which also gives us the ability to have two people operating the camera. One focuses on maneuvering the camera while the other can concentrate on framing the shot,” says Litewave Media founder Christian Cashmir. “It also has a solo mode for when you only have one camera operator on smaller jobs. It’s really amazing technology.”
Our Tampa video production team films with Freefly’s MoVI M5 at Fort De Soto
The MōVI M5 has really enabled our DP’s and directors to get shots they were not able to in the past either because of cost, weight or speed. We’ve had a great experience using it on a recent pirate-themed film, that Litewave Media filmed at historic Fort De Soto in St. Petersburg, FL. Our Tampa video production company is excited to use the M5 next on an upcoming music video shoot.
Our Tampa video crew films with the MōVI M5 on a pirate-themed short
Do you need a Tampa MōVI rental, or Tampa camera equipment for your next video project? Please contact us for a free consultation. You can like Litewave Media on Facebook to check out our latest video projects. And be sure to keep up with the blog for more Tampa video production news!